Redemptive Rhythm
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In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Luke 2:1-7 ESV
I love Christmas because of who and what Christmas is about!
Gratitude and not comparison or competition should motivate our service to our Savior.
The best drumming goes largely unnoticed even though it’s critical to the on-point completion of the piece that’s being played.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly,
To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 NKJV
It’s the everyday rhythms of faithful obedience that make for a life that resonates with redemption.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22 ESV
Redemption is a miracle that manifest itself more in the simplistic than the obviously supernatural.
God will take your hurt and redeem it in a song that provides healing for you and hope for others.
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